• The Ideal Main Picture

    The right picture should be a high definition main picture to insure an equally high quality result. The ideal picture shouldn’t be too far zoomed out. The picture should be focused around your main subject(s). A colourful array produces a lively dramatic and vibrant shimmering effect through the layers. Black and white pictures make for a more contemporary and modern feel.

  • Too light

    White increases the exposure of the underlying pictures producing an undesirable, washed out effect. To mitigate this we use editing techniques to help achieve a more suitable finish. Note this requires a slight change of colours from a bright white to a more dulled grey, the finish is still high quality

    Note: We have special editing techniques for specifically black and white pictures

  • Too Dark

    Black has the opposite affect of white, it under exposures the background pictures producing a dark and undefined appearance. To mitigate this the effected area is specially edited by our in house team.

    Note: We have special editing techniques for specifically black and white pictures

  • A variety of pictures

    We recommend choosing a variety of pictures that you value to develop a piece which encompasses everything meaningful to you. Every memory from vacations, birthdays, graduations, pets and friends.

  • The Optimal Crop

    When choosing a main picture insure the crop of the main subjects encompasses a majority of the frame. If a picture is too zoomed out the primary details in the picture may become undefined. Try not to pick a main picture with too many subjects or zoomed out frames.

  • High Resolution Main Pictures

    To insure the finish product does not suffer from pixelation or blurriness once scaled a high resolution scan or digital copy is recommended.

  • Wedding Pictures

    An Avnoire piece makes for an ideal collage of wedding pictures. The piece is perfectly suited to display all your favourite wedding day, engagement pictures and memories. Provide us with your album of wedding pictures and the picture you admire the most for friends and family to see on your big day.

  • Family Portraits

    An Avnoire piece makes for the perfect family picture, combining your favourite family picture with all your familiar memories. The piece can be oriented in either portrait or landscape making it suitable for either large format picture

  • Children's Pictures

    An Avnoire piece makes for a perfect photo album for your little ones, combining you favourite baby pictures, class graduations, holidays and birthdays all in one stunningly concentrated piece.

Optimal Picture Count requirements

70in x 40in: Min 200 - Max 1000 pictures Recommended Range: 700-400

64in x 36in: Min 200 - Max 800 pictures Recommended Range: 600-300

48in x 48 in : Min 200 - Max 800 pictures Recommended Range: 600-300

48 x 36in: Min 100 - Max 600 pictures Recommended Range: 400-150

42in x 36in: Min 100 - Max 550 pictures Recommended Range: 400-150

42in x 32in: Min 100 - Max 500 pictures Recommended Range: 300-100

*Please note: Due to the scaling and editing tolerances up to 5% of pictures can be rejected*